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Joined: 12/12/2013 23:41:44
Messages: 4731
Location: Berks

Scoica o sa-ti spuna ce vrea. Daca o cocoti si se deschide la maxim, stii macar ca nu o deranjeaza. Tii un ochi pe ea pentru urmatoarele luni si daca vezi semne de nefericire, faci ceva.
Orice scoica apreciaza aditia de fitoplancton. De asemenea, se bucura daca ai Alk, Ca, Mg si pH decente.

La ce te uiti: extensia mantalei, semne de crestere (marginea scoicii trebuie sa fie alba - semn ca partea respectiva e nou crescuta si nepopulata inca de alge, sa nu aiba sifonul inhalent deschis prea larg, sa nu fie deschisa prea larg.

Apoi, Tridacna maxima e sensibila la atacuri de dedesubt (are o deschidere mare pe unde iese piciorul, tot pe acolo o ataca viermii naspa. De aceea are nevoie de o piatra de protectie, cu forma de covata. Eu mi-am facut una din epoxi - faci un guguloi oval, il pui pe niste nisip, presezi scoica in el sa faca gaura, apoi o inclini stanga dreapta ca sa largesti putin gaura.
Eu am numai derasa, care au acel orificiu inchis si nu au nevoie de protectie.

Si mare grija la relocare sa nu-I distrugi piciorul daca a apucat sa se ataseze cu fire.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 28/04/2016 22:30:28

Pana acum eram sarac dar mi-am cumparat un dictionar de sinonime si acum sunt nevoias, sarman, oropsit si necajit.
Membru de baza

Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Astazi vreau sa fac un schimb de apa de vre-o 45l. Dupa un an si cateva luni de functionare as vrea sa scot sump-ul afara sa-l curat(spal) cum trebuie pentru ca este cam "murdar". Afecteaza cu ceva acvariul daca fac acest lucru ?
Batran si obosit

Joined: 05/03/2002 02:00:00
Messages: 23583
Location: Bucuresti

N-are nimic, da-i drumu' la treaba.

Samson & Delilah (2002) - Marele African (2007) - Angels in heaven (2010) - Life is like a box of chocolates (2011) - Nemo's House (2012) - The Big One (2012) - Cubul (2013) - The Return (2014) - Back to the roots (2015) - Un sumatran, doi sumatrani (2020)
CNC-ist de frunte

Joined: 25/03/2012 13:43:16
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Location: Timisoara

Stie Koala ce zice atunci cand ii aproba la lucru pe altii
Eu n-as face treaba asta de lene, sa-l scot afara, mai bine bagi rapid un burete nou si speli sticla, sifonezi murdaria de pe fund, inchizi oblonul si bagi 2 beri.
Nu-i sanatos sa cureti excesiv ca nu-i gresie de farmacie sterila
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Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Am scos in week-end sump-ul afara si l-am curatat. Cu ocazia asta am mutat si acvariul in alta camera pentru ca il aveam in dormitor. A fost o mica aventura sa mut aproximativ 500kg.

Zilele acestea vreau sa comand niste sare si cred ca o sa incerc si eu Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt in loc de Red Sea Coral Pro ce am utilizat pana acum.Inca nu sunt hotarat.
De asemenea vreau sa comand niste substante pentru ca am ramas fara.
Dintre :
-Red Sea Reef Energy A + Red Sea Reef Energy B
-Seachem Reef Plus + Seachem Reef Trace
-Aquavitro Fuel
ce puteti sa-mi recomandati ?
Membru de baza

Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Si uite asa "coruptia" a ajuns si la mine .
Prima transa .
[Thumb - IMG_1635.JPG]

Sebastian Costin

Joined: 02/03/2010 22:53:39
Messages: 2159
Location: Satu Mare


Evolution reef - Aquaforest
Picolino – Optiwhite cube - retras
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Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Sa fie!
Tinand cont ca o sa trec cu majoritatea pe Aquaforest , cat timp trebuie sa mai tin reactorul cu biopellet ? Pot sa le scot deja si sa folosesc reactorul de exemplu cu ZeoMix ?
Urmeaza sa comand
-Aquaforest Pro Bio S 50 ml
-Aquaforest-NP Pro 2L
-Aquaforest AF Power Food 20 g
-Aquaforest Ricco Food 30g
-Aquaforest KH Buffer 1200 g
-Aquaforest Strong ABCK 4x50ml

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 14/05/2016 10:04:28

Sebastian Costin

Joined: 02/03/2010 22:53:39
Messages: 2159
Location: Satu Mare

Poti pune reatorul de cu Zeomix (dar as prefera sa-l las in tandem macar o saptamana)

Pentru corali poti sa achizitionezi:

AF Amino Mix
AF Build
AF Energy
AF Vitality

Acestea de mai sus sunt suplimente pentru a ajuta coralii in mediul ULNS

Evolution reef - Aquaforest
Picolino – Optiwhite cube - retras
Membru de baza

Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Am facut primul schimb de apa cu Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt si sunt putin in dubiu la cat sa tin salinitatea, 1025 sau 1026 ?
Am pus intr-un reactor Bubble Magus Mini 100 urmatoarele :
-250 g de Aquaforest ZeoMix
-400ml de Aquaforest Carbon
-400ml de Aquaforest Phosphate Minus
Cu ocazia asta pot sa spun ca Phosphate Minus nu se ridica(deasupra lui nu am pus nimic).A iesit initial putina mizerie maronie de la Phosphate si atat.

Acum ma pregatesc sa fac solutiile de
-1l de Aquaforest Calcium cu Aquaforest Magnesium (impreuna)
-1l de Aquaforest Reef Mineral Salt
Membru de baza

Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Pentru ca am vazut ca sunt multe discutii si intrebari legate de Aquaforest iar pe site-ul producatorului nu sunt suficiente informatii legate de produse ,am gasit pe Reef Cental o discutie cu un reprezentant al Aquaforest.

Old 05/06/2016, 02:22 PM #16


RC Sponsor

Aquaforest's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 250


I have bought these aquaforest products:

- KH Buffer

- Calcium

- Magnesium

I need to increase the KH, Ca and MG values on my aquarium. I want add the dust directly to aquarium (one of every time). What is the correct order?


Do You want to add those products in powdered form? We recommend to mix it with demineralization water.

Correct order is:

- Calcium

- Magnesium

- Kh Buffer

Calcium and Magnesium can be together – but Kh Buffer have to be separated – maybe 5minutes after Ca and Mg.

2. Question:

Is it necessary to use both bio s and pro bio s in order to achieve ulns?? Because i am using pro bio s. And not sure if getting bio s necessary.


Bio S is not necessary. Bio S is nitrifying bacteria – good for start Up. Pro Bio S – probiotic bacteria.

We have to use Probiotic bacteria and food for them.

3. Question:

Would like to know if it is compulsory or optional to run zeomix & phosphate minus to get ULNS? Because according to your thread in RC, you dont seem to run zeomix nor phosphate minus.


Of course – everything is optional


What is AF Build about??


AF Build is a growth accelerator.

5. Question:

Do we have to use phosphate minus to achieve ULNS ?


Offcourse, that is very helpful to reduce Phospate. We recommend Phosphate Minus (http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/phosphateminus/) – its reduce silicates also.

6. Question:

Do we have to use ZEOMIX to achieve ULNS ?


Zeo Mix (http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/zeomix/ ) is very effective medium to reduce ammonia – that’s why We are recommend to use Zeo Mix.

7. Question:

Pro f = liquid carbon source (food for bacteria) ??


Yes, Pro F is medium (food) for probiotic bacteria.

8. Question:

NP PRO = is it also another liquid carbon source (food for bacteria) ??


Yes, - NP Pro is medium for probiotic bacteria. Supplement contains liquid polymers.

9. Question:

Coloring of SPS, is it by using COMPONENT ABC ?


There is many ways to color corals.

Are You using calcium reactor or Balling method?

If You are using Balling… We have ready to use Component 1+2+3+ ( that’s Ca,Mg,Kh,Reef Mineral Salt with Microelements) - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/component-1-2-3/

Also You can make standard powdered Balling and You could use: Component Strong - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/components-strong/

And of course You Can use Component ABC. If You are using Calcium Reactor You Can buy 2000ml box – that’s great to dosing pumps.


For advanced users we recommend to dose selected microelements like: Iodum, Strontium, Fluorine, Kalium, Iron, Micro E - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product-category/mikroelementy/

10. Question:

Is it true that component A will colour up the "reds" in SPS ?


Component A (http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/componenta/) contains strontium I barium – that’s saturate all colors, also reds.

11. Question:

What colour does component B color up ?


Component B (http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/componentb/) contains heavy metals - that’s coloring i.e. greens.

12. Question:

Component C color up the "blues" in SPS ??


Yes, Component C ( http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/component-c/ ) contains iodine and fluorine - that’s color up blue.

13. Question:

What is the difference between the Probiotic Reef Salt and the Reef Salt?


Reef Salt - Fully synthetic marine salt for SPS and LPS Corals

Probiotic Reef Salt - Fully synthetic marine salt for SPS and LPS Corals - contains probiotic bacteria, culture medium for them, amino and vitamins

14. Question:

What is the role of the zeomix in the system?


Zeolites are a good medium for bacteria settle - absorb ammonia and inhibit contamination.

15. Question:

Could you tell me what product of yours would be best for LPS corals like bubbles , hammer heads and torch corals , some of my hammer heads have lost a bit of colour in them just wondering is there anything I could dose to try and bring the colour back ?


LPS corals prefer higher nutrients levels than SPS corals and slower circulation. Feeding, and lighting is more important than low nutrient levels and organics. Meaty food, Iodine, vitamins, amino acids.

For LPS corals we recommend to dose:

AF Amino Mix - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/af_amino_mix/

AF Power Food - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/af_power_food/

Ricco Food - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/riccofood/

AF Phyto Mix - http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/af_phyto_mix/

If Your KH level is low – You Can use KH Plus: http://aquaforest.eu/en/product/kh-plus/

16. Question:

I am using Phoshpate Minus, what is the average time before changing?


It depends on the phosphate level, but as a rule it changes after 3 to 4 weeks.

17. Question:

I'd like to know how to properly use Zeomix, are the placed in a reactor and shaken daily?


You don't have to shake zeolites.

You Can put it in RX only, You don't need special reactor.

18. Question:

Does phosphate minus need rinsing before use?


You can do it but it is not necessary. The brown color is normal and don't make any harm It will disappear after few minutes.

19. Question:

When using aquaforest system, do we have to use zeomix / phosphate minus?


Yes and no. Many aquarists run the own systems on undetectable or ultra low phosphate and nitrate levels without zeomix stones, phosphate minus or other equipment. All depend what type of reef tank do you have and what you would like to achieve. Some aquarists are more focus on colorations of acroporas from Australia, others wants more fish. ProBIoS is a complex bacterial product which is very effective with phosphate reduction not only nitrates. It's very beneficial to have additional media for microorganism colonization. More surface = higher bacterial population = more efficient system. Aquaforest probiotic products works very well with siporax or refugiums.

20. Question:

Pro F (liquid) and Pro Bio F (powder) both are carbon source ??


ProBIoS +ProF are basics. With conjunction Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt gives you opportunity to maintain unwanted nutrients without effort. ProBioF is a type of organic carbon source but different type of "food" than ProF.

21. Question:

Is NP PRO part of the basics of nutrient reduction ??


-NP Pro is a liquid polymer. Substitute for BIopellets. For everybody who loves automatisation. Product can be dose by peristaltic pump.

22. Question:
How Can I dose microelements and Ca, Kh, Mg?


There is few ways to dose Macro and Micro:

1 - Ca Plus, KH Plus, MG Plus (macro) + Component A, Component B, Component C(micro)

2 - Calcium, Magnesium, KH Buffer, Reef Mineral Salt ( Macro) + Components Strong (micro)

3- Calcium, Magnesium, KH Buffer, Reef Mineral Salt ( Macro) + Kalium, Iodum, Fluorine, Iron, Strontium, Micro E (micro)

4 - Component 1+2+3+

23. Question:

What is correct mix Balling Method by Aquaforest products?



Aquaforest Calcium - Dissolve 50g in 1000ml of deionized water

Aquaforest Magnesium - Add 10g

Component A Strong - Add 5ml

Component B Strong - Add 5ml


Aquaforest KH Buffer - Dissolve 80g in 1000ml of deionized water

Component C Strong - Add 5ml


Aquaforest Reef Mineral Salt - Dissolve 25g in 1000ml of deionized water

Component K Strong - Add 5ml

24. Question:

What is role of Reef Mineral Salt?


Reef Mineral Salt is part of Balling Method.

Mineral salt is so important to add because it keeps the mixed water in balance from when you add the calcium chloride and sodium bicarb it will make a unbalanced sodium chloride by adding the mineral salt it will balance out the sodium chloride and because it is now balanced there won't be any ionic problems.

We recommend to dose every part of Balling Method in equal doses:

1 Fluid - Calcium, Magnesium + Components Strong - 50g Calcium + 10g Magnesium dissolve in 1000ml RODI water (13 tbsp of the product and 2.4 tbsp of Magnesium Aquaforest in 1 US gal.) + 5ml Strong A + 5ml Strong B

2 Fluid - Kh Buffer + Components Strong - 80g Kh Buffer dissolve in 1000ml RODI water (1.28 cups in 1Us gal. RODI water) + 5 ml Strong C

3 Fluid - Reef Mineral Salt + Components Strong - 25g Reef Mineral Salt dissolve in 1000ml RODI water (6.14 tbsp of the product in 1 US gal.) +5ml Strong K

25. Question:

Do I need to turn the skimmer off when dosing AF Amino Mix, AF Build, AF Vitality, AF Energy or any supplements for corals?


No, There is no need to turn skimmer off.

26. Question:

Do I need to keep bottles in fridge?


If temperature in Your room is not higher then 24 Celsius degrees - You Can keep it in room, not in fridge.

27. Question:

Wouldn't using both be double carbon dosing? Using vodka and NP-Pro I mean.


There is no need to doubble dosing of carbon source.

We recommend to dose Pro Bio S ( probiotic bacteria) with -NP Pro ( liquid polymers – carbon source) That will reduce nitrate and phosphate.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 15/05/2016 18:27:31

Membru de baza

Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
Messages: 375
Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Poate sa-mi spuna si mie cineva când este mai bine sa dozez Ca , Mg si Alk ?
Când sunt luminile aprinse,stinse,dimineata,la pranz sau seara ?
Sebastian Costin

Joined: 02/03/2010 22:53:39
Messages: 2159
Location: Satu Mare

Ideal ar fi sa dozezi pe tot parcursul zilei si in cat mai multe doze (asta pentru a nu face varfuri de concentratie si sa fie cat mai constanta concentratia in apa bazinului). Insa nu am auzit sa moara corali dozand cantitatea dintr-o data (pentru consumul unei zile)

Evolution reef - Aquaforest
Picolino – Optiwhite cube - retras
Batran si obosit

Joined: 05/03/2002 02:00:00
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Location: Bucuresti

Sebastian Costin wrote:Ideal ar fi sa dozezi pe tot parcursul zilei si in cat mai multe doze...

Farmacist sa-ti dea mamica?
Nu, nu, mamica, nu!
Toata ziua la siringa, noaptea nu mai poa' sa-mpinga.
Nu, nu, mamica, nu!

Samson & Delilah (2002) - Marele African (2007) - Angels in heaven (2010) - Life is like a box of chocolates (2011) - Nemo's House (2012) - The Big One (2012) - Cubul (2013) - The Return (2014) - Back to the roots (2015) - Un sumatran, doi sumatrani (2020)
Sebastian Costin

Joined: 02/03/2010 22:53:39
Messages: 2159
Location: Satu Mare


Evolution reef - Aquaforest
Picolino – Optiwhite cube - retras
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Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
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Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Deocamdata dozez doar ALK de doua ori pe zi,restul fiind in cantitati mici o singura data.
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Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
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Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

In acest moment am ca substrat Red Sea Reef Base Ocean White care este foarte fin iar pompele mi-l ridica destul de des. Puteti sa-mi recomandati si mie un alt substrat care sa-l pun peste acesta cu granulatie mai mare ?
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Joined: 02/05/2014 22:13:56
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Location: Ploiesti/Bologna

Poate sa-mi spuna si mie cineva ce sunt chestiile astea albe, ca niste ramuri ce s-au format pe pietre in mai multe locuri?
Cum pot sa le stopez si din ce cauza au aparut ?
[Thumb - IMG_1706.JPG]

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