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Forum Index » Acvarii plantate - Jurnal
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Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

Multumesc tare Silviu de apreciere. Mi -a placut tare momentul , de aia l-am si surprins.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 07/11/2017 08:48:50

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Joined: 16/10/2013 12:07:59
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skija wrote:Eu am patit cu test NO3 la fel , de la JBL , dar faza cu difuzorul co2 si clorul nu cred ca a afectat deloc acvariul

Azi am aruncat un alt test Jbl NO3 , a doua oara , eu dozez 11 ppm no3 din 2 in doua zile si testu imi arata 1-5 ppm , azi am luat altul si-mi arata 20 ppm
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

Si eu am patit cam acelasi lucru cu NO3 dar mai ales cu GH! Nu-mi dadeam seama de ce picaturile aveau o culoare mai deschisa decit le stiam.
Cred ca, din momentul in care deschizi flaconul, isi cam pierde din stabilitate reactivul si de aici problemele.

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

Pai eu cum mi-am dat bazinul peste cap ... odata a fost testu de NO3 . Apoi si testu de fier ( cred ca asta e expirat ) si m-am luat dupa el. Am bagat micro mult prea mult - m-am trezit cu hair alga.
A fost un acvariu care a suferit. Ce ma bucur ca e pe drumul cel bun . De ceva timp seara cind vin de la munca il privesc cu placere.Cred ca in 2 saptamini o sa pun si poze cu el .

Pina la urma e o experienta . Citeva concluzii pe care cei cu experienta mai multa ca mine le stiu cu siguranta .
La probleme de genu cum am avut eu recomand ( lucruri invatate si de la colegii de forum -care m au ajutat cu sfaturi si experimentate de mine ) :
- schimburi de apa de 50 % de 2 ori pe saptamina
-aspirare temeinica substrat
-nu opriti fertilizarea ( eu doar am redus-o la normal sa zic asa)
-daca aveti difuzor de CO2 - musai sa fie in bataia out-ului de la filtru pentru o dizolvare buna
-plante cu crestere rapida
-buna circulatie a apei in bazin
-mincatori de alge . Neritinele mi s-au parut formidabili in curatat lemnele .
-rabdare , rabdare , rabdare .

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 10/11/2017 20:53:48

Senior member

Joined: 20/06/2010 23:37:52
Messages: 826
Location: Gherla-Cluj

Gabi, daca imi permiti o sa iti dau un citat din Tom Barr: good filtration, good flow, good co2, good water changes, low light, low temp. Ce simpla pare acvaristica asta, nu crezi?

Iar cind noi nu vom mai fi....vor fi altii
[Email] [Yahoo!]
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

bobiciupe wrote:Gabi, daca imi permiti o sa iti dau un citat din Tom Barr: good filtration, good flow, good co2, good water changes, low light, low temp. Ce simpla pare acvaristica asta, nu crezi?

Daca tot discutam de Tom Barr, hai sa punem lucrurile la locul lor. EI, back fert due waterchange, etc. Si celebra replica (pe care o gasim in multe locuri) : Define good!

Si vine interviul (extract) :

5. It is no secret that you brought a novel perspective to planted aquarium fertilization with your Estimative Index. How did you come up with EI in the first place? How has it evolved over the years?

I'm not sure making a relatively simple standard solution each week is really my idea, but that's how it evolved. The only novel thing is the application to our hobby. Steve Dixon and I talked about a range of optimal parameters many years ago. I eventually wrote an article on it from our talks (see the reference section of sfbappas.com). Initially, it included testing and lower, more conservative ranges for most nutrients.

We explored higher nutrient levels and how far things could be pushed before seeing algae or stunting of the plant growth. We had a nice set of test kits (actually Steve did) and we checked their accuracies. After we got a decent handle on these ranges, I went about pushing them further to see if they might cause algae at higher concentrations. Upper limits were not especially important for most every nutrient except NH4. At least this held true for ranges of nutrients that one might normally find or be able to target without a test kit. I simply did huge water changes, and then added the nutrients back. From there you eyeball the plants, rather than relying on the test kits. If the plants look good, then the water changes will prevent any build up. Estimations of concentration based on teaspoon weights and water volume did the rest. Soon I'd done it so many times that I could help folks anywhere with little information. If I overdid something I could easily rely on the next water change to remove things. After experiencing nothing except awesome plant growth and others started to report the same effect, folks stopped relying on the test kits so much.

The real problem was folk's insistence on using test kits. Most used them infrequently, and only after a problem had occurred. They didn’t look to test a specific hypothesis, and often relied on inaccurate readings. Everyone wanted to know all the tested parameters, yet few knew how they interacted together or what caused the algae issues. Some felt EI was a leap of faith, yet folks already knew how to do a water change. ADA's routine is not much different.

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

Ca sa fim echilibrati in comparatie, sa dam si citatul de la care porneste discutia :

10. Are you conducting any interesting experiments at the moment that you can share with us?

I'd have to kill you if I told you.

My substrate test is almost done. There are a couple of tests yet to do, but I might not get to it before moving on. There are several things we are looking at in the lab. There is also a very simple test method I will write up for hobbyists that can help evaluate substrate differences that I will share in the coming month or two. As I write articles for the Barr Report, I learn a great deal as well, and this generates ideas. But mostly I am looking at some basic things: CO2 mist/circulation, delivery; substrates; low O2/organic decomposition of plant leaves (a source of organic nitrogen that includes NH4) and algae. I have a simple method to do relative growth rate (RGR) analysis for aquarist with a relatively cheap scale. I also want to show folks how to properly calibrate a testing method and will write a short article for each this spring for the BarrReport, in addition to the new articles on Oxygen, PO4, SO4, etc.

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Senior member

Joined: 20/06/2010 23:37:52
Messages: 826
Location: Gherla-Cluj

Eu nu am pomenit de nici un interviu, ci de o discutie privata pe care am avut-o. Iti fac un printscreen?

Iar cind noi nu vom mai fi....vor fi altii
[Email] [Yahoo!]
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

bobiciupe wrote:Eu nu am pomenit de nici un interviu, ci de o discutie privata pe care am avut-o. Iti fac un printscreen?

Nu-i nevoie Bobi, am gasit mai mule prezentari facute pe acest subiect, inclusiv pe forumul lui.
Ideea era ca si el detaliaza sintagma si face mai multe referiri la fiecare dintre "good".
Vezi ceva gresit in asta? Nu te-am contrazis, doar am subliniat acest aspect, anume ca fiecare
dintre ele suporta o definire. Bun poate inseamna lucruri diferite de la caz la caz.

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

bobiciupe wrote:Gabi, daca imi permiti o sa iti dau un citat din Tom Barr: good filtration, good flow, good co2, good water changes, low light, low temp. Ce simpla pare acvaristica asta, nu crezi?

Si daca mai si teste pentru Fe, No3 , PO4 care sa " nu-ti traga teapa " totul decurge normal.
Si ca sa nu fie doar discutii in topic , o poza din seara asta cu un tip la treaba


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 12/11/2017 22:09:19

Senior member

Joined: 15/02/2017 14:50:05
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Ce melc frumos. Ce specie este ?

Joined: 26/11/2011 22:13:12
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cred ca e Orange track

armonia vietii consta in echilibrul pe care il asiguram
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

Da, fratele mai mare al lui Spiral. Din pacate nu prea gasesc furnizori locali nici pentru el nici pentru varietatea Olive.
Singurul loc unde cred am vazut ceva asemantor (Red Onion) a fost la Seba dar nu stiu daca ii mai poate aduce.

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

Sub numele asta il stiu si eu de Orange track. Sint excelenti la curatat lemnele din acvariu. Aici ii gasesti usor in petshop Silviu , dar cred ca ar fi complicat cu transportul in perioada asta daca ar fi sa iti trimit .

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 13/11/2017 08:46:25

Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

Nici sa nu te gindesti, ar fi pacat. Poate apar si pe aici; acum, ca i-am vazut ... in detaliu, parca imi plac mai mult!

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

who's the boss?

Senior member

Joined: 25/08/2012 17:08:40
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Superba poza, dar the boss e tot melcul din setupurile anterioare ala mereu o sa ramana preferatul meu <3
Silviu Man
Aqua Man

Joined: 10/01/2017 16:02:12
Messages: 6464
Location: Barlad

Asta e un fel de "Intilnire de gradul III"!

Daca as putea cumpara timp ... as fi cel mai sarac om de pe fata Pamintului!

O Gradina Nano - The Worship of the Stones - What Dreams May Come - Un nano ... Literati

In lucru : Wabi Kusa - Dutch Style by Rodo si Silviu
Si una off-forum : Viata grea, de acvarist familist
Gabi C

Joined: 25/09/2015 20:10:33
Messages: 3744
Location: Munchen

Artur - multumesc de apreciere . Si mie imi plac neritina zebra mult. O sa ii mai vina rindu si la " tipu ala" . Sa mai creasca plantele si sa il prind intr-o ipostaza faina.
Silviu - ceva de genu ala . Pe final cum era si normal s-au ocolit elegant .
Senior member

Joined: 25/08/2012 17:08:40
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Gabi, cred ca nu sunt singurul care gandeste asta, asa ca o spun eu pentru toti: VREEEEMMMMM POZZZZEEEEE... Tot ne tii pe jar si zici ca abia astepti sa pui poze ca o pornit totul din loc si si`o revenit acvariul... si noi murim aici de nerabdare sa vedem poza aia de ansamblu, nu doar detalii cu melcii astia faini ))
Forum Index » Acvarii plantate - Jurnal
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