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SAE sau False SAE?  XML
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Joined: 03/10/2007 22:03:37
Messages: 3646
Location: Buc./Brx.

Am reusit sa fac o super poza \/

Ha, l-am prins cu mustati:


Lazar Ginel
Ogar batran

Joined: 18/01/2005 12:14:27
Messages: 1755
Location: IASI

SAE... sunt niste pesti care nu m-au multumit deloc
Sau nu aveam eu alge pe gustul lor
Dar renunta la orice alga daca dai celorlalti pesti de mincare
Am vazut la cineva un SAE de 12 cm imens ,dar nu din mincatul de alge sa facut asa
Altcineva avea un acvariu cu 15 SAE nu se atingeau de alge
Dar in schimb sunt FOARTE multumit de OTOCINCLUS
NICI nu se ating de mincarea de pesti dar cu algele sunt PROFESORI
Bravo lor (Nu maninca alge paroase)
Sa nu va puna sa luati BORNEO fish
Se spune ca maninca alge dar nu este asa
Am avut eu vreo 10 bucati si mi-au facut ravagii in plante
Tot ce era frunza tinara o halea

Ogar batrin dar.... cu miros fin

Joined: 15/10/2007 13:41:29
Messages: 140
Location: Timisoara

Daca dai de mai multe ori pe zi mancare, SAE are prostu obicei de a renunta la alge in favoarea hranii care o dai, indiferent ce ii. La mine stiu ca o data pe zi primesc mancare iar in rest, ori manca alge, ori rabda foame. Deocamdata prefera prima varianta.
Lazar Ginel
Ogar batran

Joined: 18/01/2005 12:14:27
Messages: 1755
Location: IASI

Persoana care avea 15 SAE intr-un acvariu le dadea de mincare 1 pe saptamina ,daca i-si aducea aminte
Si algele erau la ele acasa

Ogar batrin dar.... cu miros fin
Junior member

Joined: 17/05/2008 18:11:44
Messages: 5
Location: buc

Daca dunga neagra ce traverseaza corpul in totalitate are marginea neregulata, si daca aceeasi dunga ajunge pana in centrul inotatoarei codale si intra cu negrul in transparenta acesteia.... daca deasupra dungii negre nu avem decat o singura culoare pana la coama (adica sa nu fie inca o dunga alba si apoi gri). daca inotatoarele (aripioarele) sunt transparente si nu galbui... atunci avem SAE original
Junior member

Joined: 17/05/2008 18:11:44
Messages: 5
Location: buc

bilti wrote:ai mei sunt maturi. o sa incerc sa fac o poza deseara. o sa fie cam greu pentru ca sunt cam rapizi.

uite aici un filmuletz pe care l-am facut la mine. se vad acolo in doua secvente SAE in actiune.

Cu parere de rau iti spun ca ai niste minunati falsi SAE !!! Oricum, sa-ti traiasca, ca-s frumosi si aia ... am si eu 2!!!
Junior member

Joined: 17/05/2008 18:11:44
Messages: 5
Location: buc

Daca vrei sa vedeti acvariu meu anul trecut apasati http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_DFzyoWKXk[/code][/url]
Junior member

Joined: 17/05/2008 18:11:44
Messages: 5
Location: buc

Junior member

Joined: 17/05/2008 18:11:44
Messages: 5
Location: buc

Ce forum naspa.... nu ma lasa sa reeditez propriile mesaje, sa corectez ce am gresit !!! Naspa !!!
Senior member

Joined: 31/01/2008 02:52:17
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relugrigorescu wrote:Ce forum naspa.... nu ma lasa sa reeditez propriile mesaje, sa corectez ce am gresit !!! Naspa !!!

Este o functie numita preview. Foloseste-o cu incredere si o sa vezi daca ai gresit ceva la linkuri sau altceva. Daca totul e ok, apesi apoi submit si ai postat cum trebuie pe forumul asta "naspa".

PS: frumos acvariul din link, dar am impresia ca e cam suprapopulat si parca am vazut cateva specii incompatibile acolo...
Unripe member

Joined: 18/01/2009 16:01:43
Messages: 2

Băi nene, am băgat azi doi SAE tineri in acvariu şi din prima secundă au sărit pe algele fixate pe geam, plante şi instalaţii, de ziceai că sunt în bazinul meu dintotdeauna! excelenţi peşti de acvariu! sunt şi frumoşi cu aspectul ăla de ştiucă.
Junior member

Joined: 07/02/2008 11:24:25
Messages: 82
Location: bucuresti.berceni

In timp vor stramba din nas la alge si se vor bate cu ceilalti pesti pe graunte.
Unripe member

Joined: 18/01/2009 16:01:43
Messages: 2

am auzit ca dupa ce cresc trec pe alimentatie standard si ca algele intra doar in meniul puietului.pacat, sper sa copilareasca muuult...

Joined: 28/02/2009 15:42:32
Messages: 122
Location: Baia Mare

ionut DIMITRIU wrote:am auzit ca dupa ce cresc trec pe alimentatie standard si ca algele intra doar in meniul puietului.pacat, sper sa copilareasca muuult...

Citind aceste comentari m-am decis sa iau si eu SAE (avand cateva tipuri de alge). In fine am luat 6 bucati azi si am inceput sa pun in punga in care erau apa din acvariu timp de 30 min, dupa 30 min i-am eliberat in acvariu si acum au facut soch de ph, am schimbat 50% din apa din acvariu si totusi am ramas cu 3 din 6 , cei trei ramasi sunt foarte vioi si vad ca mananca ceva de pe plante :-)
Ultrahigh member

Joined: 27/01/2009 11:25:45
Messages: 1771
Location: Iasi

de asta e bine sa faci acomodarea in 2-3 ore. Nu fleosc dupa 30 min in acvariu

Joined: 28/02/2009 15:42:32
Messages: 122
Location: Baia Mare

Radu.U wrote:de asta e bine sa faci acomodarea in 2-3 ore. Nu fleosc dupa 30 min in acvariu

Asta e am gresit rau de tot (din lipsa de ex)sa nu faca nimeni ca si mine nu imi parea mai rau daca resetam acvariul de la 0 decat sa pierd 3 sae care si asa se gasesc foarte greu

Joined: 01/03/2002 09:35:00
Messages: 11163
Location: Egiptu' Antic

Sint sensibili la CO2 daca-i pui prea repede, cred ca-i pisca la branhii, era s-o patesc si io cindva, bine ca eram pe faza si i-am scos repede. Noroc ca inca nu aruncasem apa din punga . Asta e, data viitoare n-o sa mai neglijezi acomodarea :alright: .

Poze: smilie ... Poze cu plante

Joined: 17/10/2008 13:30:10
Messages: 230
Location: Bucuresti / Militari / Veteranilor

Stie cineva pe unde pot gasi niste Otocinclus (in Bucuresti) ??

SAE sau ne-SAE am luat vreo 4 din Hornbach Militari acum vreo luna ... Cate 2 in 2 acvarii, acum nu stiu daca or fi SAE "originali" dar toata ziua ciugulesc de pe frunzele plantelor, mancare in acvarii se da odata pe zi, deobicei seara dupa job (ora 18-19) ...

Algae Eating Freshwater Fish
Algae can become a problem in both marine and freshwater aquariums. In this article, we will focus on a few algae eating fishes that can be kept in freshwater aquariums to help keep algae under control. The causes of algae in an aquarium can be widespread, e.g. too much light, too many plant nutrients, or certain deficiencies in water quality. Many enthusiasts have turned to freshwater algae eating fish to be a natural “cleaning crew” in helping keep algae from overtaking an otherwise beautiful tank.

There are several species of fish to choose from when shopping for a “cleaning crew”. Each species is known for eating a certain type or types of algae, but few are known for eating more than one type. Careful research pertaining to the type of algae one has plays an important role in determining whether an herbivorous fish can help in ridding of nuisance algae.

Black Molly
Black mollies are excellent for the community tank, as they get along with most fish. They are excellent scavengers of fuzz algae, often considered a strain of beard algae, and will swim around the tank cleaning plants and decorations. If bred, the baby mollies are known to survive on a diet of nearly one hundred percent fuzz algae. The black molly, or balloon molly, is also known to be an excellent surface skimmer. Because they are omnivores, the black molly also benefits from a diet that includes a good flake food. The molly is an excellent “janitor” for brackish water, as they prefer a little salt.

Otocinclus Cats (Otocinclus affinis)
Known as otos, the Otocinclus Cats are gaining popularity in the hobby. They are excellent clean up crew, although they mostly eat algae that are in the beginning stages. They will quickly devour any algae and diatoms, including that which is hard to find between foliage. Otos prefer schools of at least 6 fish, and can be skittish and hide if kept isolated. They are an excellent community fish, and only chase other life if hungry. They have a tendency to die quickly if the algae run out, but a dietary supplement of blanched cucumber can prevent starvation.

Siamese Algae Eaters (Crossocheilus siamensis)
Otherwise known as SAE’s, many consider these to be the best algae eaters of them all. They are commonly mistaken for Chinese algae eaters, and many pet stores label species of fish as SAE when in fact they are not. The SAE is diligent when it comes to eating red algae, which most algae eating fish will not touch. They are a peaceful fish, although when older may become aggressive towards their own kind. They are also known to eat hair and beard algae.

Plecos (Hypostomus punctatusare)
Plecos are commonly advertised by pet stores as the definitive algae eater, although they are not near as valuable as made out to be. They are the most commonly owned of the algae eating fish, although few know they can grow up to two feet in length. They do an excellent job of keeping the glass clean, as well as love any driftwood that can be provided. The pleco can be an aggressive fish, and has been known to eat small fish when hungry. They love algae tablets, and their diet can be supplemented with blanched romaine or spinach. If not properly fed, they will destroy the planted tank.

Butterfly Goodeid (Ameca Splendens)
The butterfly goodeid is known to devour algae such as red, green, and beard algae. A beautiful golden fish, this species is nearing extinction in the wild due to habitat destruction. Although they generally only grow to four to five inches, they are extremely aggressive and should not be housed in a peaceful community tank. They are known to nip at the fins of black skirt tetras, and bully other fish at feeding times.

The Florida Flag Fish (Jordanella floridae)
The FFF enjoys feasting on hair algae, and is sometimes known to eat beard algae. Although the temperament varies to each fish, they are often classified as aggressive, and will eat amano shrimp and even small neon tetras. They are considered dangerous to the peaceful community tanks.

Rosie Barbs (Puntius conchonius)
Considered an excellent substitute for the Florida flag fish, the rosie barb will make full meals out of hair algae and are described as “eating it up like spaghetti”. Rosie barbs are typically peaceful fish and grow up to six inches. They enjoy planted tanks; however, they will eat fine leafed plants so caution should be taken. If not enough algae are present, blanched peas or zucchini are an excellent substitute. They are not recommended for tanks less than 30 gallons.

Algae “clean up crews” are an excellent way to combat algae, but they cannot rid a hobbyist of algae. Proper water changes, proper lighting, and proper doses of plant nutrients are the only real ways to keep algae under control.

Edited by VAL: Done!

Vremurile frumoase au trecut ...

Joined: 28/02/2009 15:42:32
Messages: 122
Location: Baia Mare

Dimineata am mai ramas cu 2 din 6, am decis sa mai imi cumpar inca 4 si sa fac treptat trecerea cam in 3 ore toate bune si frumoase, cand am pus cei noi in acvariu a iesit o lupta de vreo 30-40 min in care sa soldat cu decesul unuia , astia da luptatori,asa ca am ramas deocamdata cu 5 din 10 sa vedem dimineata daca mai tin luptele sper sa raman cu un campion
Ultrahigh member

Joined: 27/01/2009 11:25:45
Messages: 1771
Location: Iasi

stii ca 1 are nevoie de minim 50 l apa nu ?
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